Lang + Dähn GbR
Marienhagener Straße 29
51674 Wiehl - Marienhagen
Fon: +49 2261 91476-0
Fax: +49 2261 91476-29
Sales tax identification number as per § 27a sales tax law:
UST ID no.: DE267116988
Responsible for content as per §6 MDStV:
Joachim Lang, Manuel Dähn
Disclaimer: Despite checking the contents carefully, we cannot assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for the content of their pages.
Concept, layout and realisation: VitaminD | Büro für Design in Kooperation mit der Agentur Pottkinder GmbH
Picture credits: Sabrina Reifenberg, Wiehl